Our Responsibility & Objectives


"Our mission is to empower farmers and promote their collective strength through the formation and operation of a Farmer Producer Organization (FPO). We aim to create a sustainable and prosperous agricultural ecosystem that enhances the livelihoods of farmers, improves their income, and contributes to rural development."

Key Elements of our FPO Mission:

Farmer Empowerment: We are dedicated to empowering farmers by facilitating their collective action and providing them with the necessary resources, knowledge, and support to enhance their agricultural practices, productivity, and profitability.

Market Access: We strive to establish strong market linkages for our member farmers, enabling them to access fair and remunerative prices for their produce. We aim to connect farmers directly with consumers, eliminate intermediaries, and explore diverse marketing channels such as local markets, agri-businesses, and value-added processing.

Capacity Building: We are committed to strengthening the capacities of our farmer members through training, workshops, and skill development programs. By equipping them with modern farming techniques, post-harvest management skills, and market intelligence, we aim to enhance their efficiency, competitiveness, and resilience.

Collective Bargaining Power: We aim to consolidate the individual strengths of farmers by organizing them into a unified entity, the FPO. This collective bargaining power allows us to negotiate better terms with input suppliers, financial institutions, and buyers, ensuring our members have access to high-quality inputs, credit facilities, and fair market contracts.

Sustainable Agriculture: We recognize the importance of sustainable agricultural practices for the long-term well-being of farmers and the environment. Our FPO promotes eco-friendly farming techniques, encourages the adoption of organic farming practices, and supports the conservation of natural resources to ensure the sustainability and resilience of our agricultural systems.

Socio-Economic Development: We envision our FPO as a catalyst for overall socio-economic development in rural areas. By improving the income of farmers, creating employment opportunities, and fostering inclusive growth, we aim to uplift the living standards and social well-being of our farming communities.

Collaboration and Partnerships: We believe in the power of collaboration and strategic partnerships to achieve our mission. We actively seek collaborations with government agencies, research institutions, non-profit organizations, and private sector entities to leverage their expertise, resources, and networks for the benefit of our farmer members.

Through our FPO mission, we strive to create a farmer-centric organization that acts as a platform for knowledge exchange, collective decision-making, and the holistic development of farmers. We are committed to nurturing a vibrant and sustainable agriculture sector that contributes to food security, rural prosperity, and the overall socio-economic growth of our nation.